Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Time for a new adventure!

My life is pretty ridiculous - in a good way - most of the time. I'm a recently-turned-40 suburban single soccer/basketball mom who lives with 3 kids (2 teens and one "almost" teen) and a dog. There is no husband in this house, in fact there hasn't been for ten years. The kids go stay with their dad once or twice a week, which is really ideal for all of us. We've settled into a really good life that involves lots of laughter, a few arguments, the occasional spill, and a fair amount of barking. We're working on the barking.

I catch myself being amazed/amused by something unusual each and every day, so I thought I'd see how well I could put it into writing. Hopefully it'll be enlightening to someone, somewhere, sometime. There are so many ridiculous things that happen each day and I sometimes wonder ~ do other people notice them too?

Today I'm pleased that I decided to work from home without even realizing my son would need a ride to soccer practice - something I wouldn't be able to accomplish had I gone to the office as planned. I'm also thoroughly enjoying the quiet in the house, now that the kids have gone back to school and I kicked the dog out (he's safe in the backyard) for a bit.

Today, me and my coffee are working at home. Life is good.


  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I am ready to kick our dog out too, he thinks his job in life is stealing as much as he can from the kitchen table and other places in the house. Oh joy ^^


  2. Sounds great so far! As NannyOgg said, welcome to the blogosphere! :-) I don't have a blog, but I'll be adding yours to my daily list. -Amy

  3. Have fun with this!

  4. YES! you made it! congratz!

    come see me at

    i think blogs may be the 40 yr old's facebook LOL
